Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Word of Hope for you ... Healing -- After the Crisis


Word of Hope

Tucson's Pastor Craig Coulter offered this perspective Sunday in his message to hundreds at Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene, located just a few miles away from where the shooting took place. His words offered hope and healing to all who were in attendance. We hope they do the same for you today.

Pastor Craig Coulter

Pastor Craig Coulter

Yesterday, there was a senseless, horrific shooting just a few miles from this church. One question I'm asked as a pastor over and over again: "What are we supposed to do in this kind of crisis?" If you were to ask God that question, He would say two words:

"Worship Me."

Worship Me. Focus on Me.

It is in our darkest hour that we need most to focus on God. It is in the crisis, in the chaos, in the confusion, when we feel crushed, when we feel out of control. It is in those moments that we need most to focus, to worship, and to center in on God. When your heart is breaking ... worship God.

Here are four more things you can do when you, or our nation, face tragedy.

1. Tell God how you feel.
Unload all your feelings and pour out every emotion that you've got. Lamentations 2:19 says, "Cry out in the night. Pour out your heart like water in prayer to the Lord." This is exactly what Job did when he faced crises like no other person in the world. In Job 7:11 he said, "I can't be quiet. I'm angry. I'm bitter and I have to speak." Job was brutally honest with God. He told God exactly how he felt. You can, too. God can handle your questions and your anger.

2. Praise God in spite of the circumstances.
You're going to go through tragedy in life. You're going to lose loved ones. You're going to find the foundations come out from under you and things go wrong in your life. But you praise God in spite of the circumstances. You don't wait for an explanation because there's some things in this world that's not going to be explained until you get to the other side. This is what Job did when he lost everything he had in one day. He said, "I was born with nothing and I will die with nothing. The Lord gave and now the Lord has taken away. May His name be praised."

3. Ask God for strength and help.
When your heart is breaking and you're confused and angry because of a tragedy ... you don't turn away from God. You turn toward God. And you ask Him for strength because He's got the strength that you need. The Bible says in Psalm 105:4, "Look to the Lord for strength." Job said, "God is the real source of wisdom and strength." Saturday, an entire nation turned in prayer to God for strength. Nobody was worried about the separation of church and state at that point.

4. Keep focused on God.
Jesus said this in John 16: "By trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. Count on it! But take heart! I have conquered the world." He says in this world you're going to continue to experience difficulties. But if you belong to Jesus Christ, you do not have to panic -- because you have a sure foundation.

I am a proud American. I am proud to be a citizen of the United States of America. It is a privilege. It is an honor. And it is a responsibility to be an American. I would gladly die to preserve the freedoms of this country and the people of it. But my ultimate security is not in this nation. It is in something far longer lasting -- and that is the unshakable kingdom of God. And that's why I'm not afraid. It is unshakable.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to The GCC Blog

I found 2 entries from an old blog which I publish here. It contains many pictures of the church prior to our moving in. There are also pictures of the old church.

Anyone from the church wishing to post information or thoughts on the GCC Blog, just email me and I’ll give you access as an author.

Praise the LORD!